Our History
I'm Jean Eason and I want to share with you how our ministry, Tutors for Christ, began.When we realized that the Watchtower Organization (Jehovah’s Witnesses) was not for us, my husband and I began attending different denominational churches. This “crime” resulted in our separation from the JW community through excommunication. My story can be read under “articles” on this web site as well as in my book, “A Jehovah’s Witness Finds the Truth.”We were fortunate to find a church where many wonderful Christians befriended us.One of those church members was attending the Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KY and told his professor of apologetics about meeting me.I was invited to share my testimony for the very first time in this class. I knew the Lord was leading me to share with others, but I must admit I was quite apprehensive about sharing my faith publicly. I began receiving calls to share my experience in many other churches.
In 1982 I attended my second “Witnesses Now for Jesus” conference in Pennsylvania, and again shared my testimony.At this conference, I received emotional healing and was strengthened in the orthodox teachings of the Bible.In ’83, I was asked to share with three former JW’s to appear on the John Ankerberg show, a national TV program.Many JW’s saw this program and as a result, the four of us received volumes of mail and phone calls resulting in many Jehovah’s Witnesses not only leaving the Watchtower Society, but accepting the true personage of Jesus Christ. We also helped many Christians learn how to effectively witness to family and friends who were studying with Witnesses.
In order to reach our growing audience, we wrote our first newsletter in June of ’84, and named our ministry, “Tutors for Christ.”Betty Stephens joined us at this time and continues to be a vital part of the ministry.Due to increasing responsibilities, we discontinued the newsletter in ’91.
We’ve held several conferences in Lexington, KY, which have helped Christians learn how to defend their faith against false teachers as well as how to witness to them.Betty, my husband and I were invited to Ecuador in ’91 by missionary Bill McDonald to share our testimony with several newly planted churches.The Witnesses there were calling on new believers and confusing them with false teachings. We helped Pastor Bill establish a conference for local ministers who wanted to learn more about the Watchtower Organization and the most effective approach in teaching their parishioners how to defend their faith against false teaching.
Initially, our ministry was primarily for those who were seeking help and support.We led many support groups over the years for individuals who either lost loved ones as a result of leaving the Watchtower Organization or needed help in defending their faith.
Now our focus is on the great commission, “Go and make disciples…” (Matt. 28:19). We believe we’re only one generation away from unbelief! I’ve attended many evangelism classes and learned skills in how to best present the gospel, but it became apparent to me that a basic tool, one easy to use, was needed as a resource to help those seeking to know more about Christianity, or seeking to know Jesus for the first time. This thought process led to our book which we entitled, “Bird’s-Eye View of the Bible.”
I asked four friends (Peggy, Vanda, Tammy and Betty) to meet with me weekly and help with this project. They not only agreed but were excited to participate in this ministry. Then I asked Orpah Hicks, my friend and an experienced Bible teacher to become the coauthor. She also was excited to be a part of this ministry. Our prayer is that churches will encourage their outreach teams to share “Bird’s-Eye View of the Bible” with those in the community and to teach at least one person on how to use and apply the basic principals. What could happen if every Christian tutored two people every year who are not Christians by using a simple tool that would lead them into a Bible study and then encourage that person to tutor one more?!This would result in a great increase of discipled Christians!