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Become a member of a local church.  Our book “Bird’s Eye View of the Bible” can help you choose a church (chapter #9).  Participating with other believers in a small group within the church will help you grow spiritually and develop life-long relationships.


Our Daily Devotion


1)  “My Utmost for His Highest,” by Oswald Chambers – can be purchased from a                           book store or can be read online.  This has been a favorite for many years.

       My Utmost for His Highest


2) "Our Daily Bread" - can be ordered from RBC Ministries or read online at​




     The King James Bible [KJV] was first published 400 years ago and is the greatest literary work in the English language; however, you will find a newer translation such as the New King James Version [NKJV], the New International Version [NIV] or the Holman Bible written in language easier to read. Any of these study Bibles would be an excellent choice.


              1)  The Apologetics Study Bible by Holman gives a very educational

 introduction to each book of the Bible; over 100 articles written by well 

 qualified educators on questions we all want accurate answers to, as well as a

 considerable list of  twisted scriptures with explanations.  There are several

 excellent charts - “Comparison of World Religions” and “Comparisons of

 New Religious Movements” are two of them.


      2) The New International Study Bible [NIV] has commentary helpful on all the scriptures.


          3)  The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible [NIV] - A complete numerical system of chain references, analyses of books, outline studies of characters and unique charts, with pictorial maps and archaeological discoveries.


          4)  The New Defender’s Study Bible by Dr. Henry M. Morris [KJV] - our generation’s foremost spokesman for biblical creationism in matters related to geology, earth history, astronomy, biology, and other sciences.  This is a new edition of the only study bible stressing the defense of the biblical Christian faith from the perspective of literal creationism and absolute biblical authority. It has been enlarged from 1,620 pages to 2,202 pages. With larger, easier-to-read type and 50% more commentary, one of the most helpful study bibles available. Institute for Creation Research


Bible Study - Biblical Education


  • Lamb and Lion Ministries is an excellent educational resource for studying Bible Prophecy.  Dr. David Reagan is the founder and director of this non-denominational ministry. He has held Bible prophecy conferences all across America and around the world and led more than 40 pilgrimages to the Holy Land.  He is the author of several books about Bible prophecy and is host of a television program called “Christ in Prophecy” that is aired nationally and internationally. The Lamb and Lion webmaster Nathan Jones will answer questions online. There is an extensive list of links for even further help.


  • Ariel Ministries - Arnold Fruchtenbaum founder and director graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary and received his Ph. D from New YorkUniversity.    On his web site you can learn more about him and read his “Statement of Faith.”  This Ministry provides more than 50 lessons that you can study.  For each lesson there is a comprehension test you can take.  Go to Ariel Ministries and select “Come and See” or “Discipleship,” then click “code” to read, print or listen to these lessons at


  • Bible Study Fellowship International  -  By going to this site you can type in your zip code and find the nearest location to you.  This study begins in the fall and runs until spring and has a seven-year series of studies.


  • Answers in Genesis is an excellent resource for studying creation verses evolution. There are many articles as well as numerous books you can read online or order from their book store.


  • Precept Ministries International -  Kay Arthur an international conference speaker, teacher, and writer is the founder of this ministry which exists to establish people in God’s Word using Inductive Bible Study.  For more information visit


  • The Truth Project  - This is a DVD teaching series. Dr. Dell Tackett is the author, architect and teacher for Focus on the Family’s “The Truth Project” - a nationwide initiative designed to bring the Christian worldview to the body of Christ. View a short or long trailer of the series


  • Gateway Bible online is like having a library of resources always available


  • Ron Rhodes Ministries –  Specializes in defending Christianity against atheists, agnostics, skeptics, cults, world religions, and any group teaching false doctrine.  This ministry produces concise materials that enable Christians to defend their faith.


  • Wallbuilders is an organization dedicated to presenting America's forgotten history and heroes with an emphasis on the moral, religious and constitutional foundation on which America was built - a foundation which in recent years, has been seriously attacked and undermined.  In accord with what was so accurately stated by George Washington, we believe....the "propitious [favorable] smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which heaven itself has ordained."  www.wallbuilders.


Christian Literature Suggestions For Your Home


  • Lamplighter  -  This magazine is published bi-monthly by Lamb & Lion Ministries.  It can be viewed free of charge on the ministry’s website and also via email.  A printed version is available by subscription. This magazine provides excellent teaching on many prophetic and related subjects.


  • Answers in Genesis  -  This magazine publishes quarterly issues of the world’s most popular creation/worldview magazine. Each issue is packed with relevant articles that reveal the latest creation science news while equipping you for the culture war in our society


  • Israel My Glory -  This magazine is published bi-monthly by the Friends of Israel   a worldwide Christian ministry.  This magazine is excellent biblical teaching.


  • Psychology for Living  -  This magazine is a quarterly publication of  “Narramore Christian Foundation Ministry.”  This publication is not sold by subscription but sent to supporters of NCF Ministries.  Your donation of $25.00 or more will bring each issue of the magazine, along with other beneficial literature on everyday problems.  Visit the web site for more information and online articles.  This magazine is excellent for Christian counseling.


Suggestions For Conference / Family Vacations / Travel


  • The Cove – The Billy Graham Training Center, Ashville, N.C.-- This is a place for you – a 1.200 acre getaway where gifted Christian leaders,  teachers, and speakers guide people in studying God’s Word


  • The Holy Land Experience –  This is a theme park in Orlando, FL - a miniature of the land of Israel, where teachers, actors, and singers present biblical reenactments.


  • The Creation Museum  - This museum brings the pages of the bible to life. Answers in Genesis Ministries developed and manages this museum located in northern Kentucky at2800 Bullittsburg Church Rd., Petersburg, KY.41080.  See virtual tour online  at


  • Dollywood Theme Park – In this Great Smoky Mountain area are a variety of family friendly activities including many theatres and shopping outlets. Pigeon Forge, Tennessee


  • Silver Dollar City  - This is an 1890’s Ozark Village with crafts, artists, amusements and comedies.  The Branson area is another family friendly vacation area.   There are many theatres as well as three lakes –Table Rock, Taneycomo and Bull Shoals to enjoy in Branson, Missouri


  • Sight and Sound Theaters - “The Millennium Theatre” and “The Living Waters Theatre” - These Theatres present Christian plays of superb quality. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania or Branson, Missouri





  • Steeling the Mind Bible Conferences and/or  Bible lands Cruises -  Compass International Ministry -


Atheist's Or Agnostics Who Have Endeavored To Disprove The Bible Who Became Christians


  • C. S. Lewis  - Is an intellectual giant of the 20th century.  “The Chronicles of Narnia” and “Mere Christianity” are two well known books among his numerous publications.


  • Josh McDowell  - Is a Christian apologist, evangelist and writer.  As a college student he was an agnostic who began to investigate the Christian faith to disprove it. He is author or co-author of 77 plus books.  Josh McDowell’s “Evidence that Demands a Verdict” and many others can be purchased at book stores and online


  • Lee Strobel  - Is an atheist who became a Christian.  He was an award-winning legal editor of the Chicago Tribune until 1981.  His best selling books include “The Case for Christ.”  He is launching a bi-monthly e-newsletter “Investigating Faith.”  You can join him for an on going conversation about what Christians believe and why.


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